Wednesday, February 13, 2008

You Can't Always Get What You Want ... but hang on...

Have you ever met someone who thinks they are entitled?
Ya know, the person who thinks they can cut in line in front of you and you won't mind. Or the person who thinks it's okay to smoke in the no smoking area; when there's a designated smoking area within 25 feet. Or the person who thinks it's okay to be in the 10 items or less line with a buggy full of groceries and you're behind them with a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread. Or the person who thinks it's okay to park in the handicap spot; they may have a sticker, but you know they aren't anymore handicap than you are on a bad day. Or the person who parks in the fire lane and blocks the traffic in and out of the parking lot while they wait for their kids to get out of school all because parking the car would take too much time.
I know you've met one or two, perhaps you've even been one or two.
Doesn't it just get your goat?
If we were kids on a playgroud and had certain rules to follow, I betcha one of those entitled individuals would be beating erasers after school.
But we're not kids any more.
Or are we?

I've been wondering ... those who I've been observing lately who walk around with a huge "entitlement" sign attached to their foreheads (and some on their derrière). You know what I've witnessed? You really want to know?
It's like watching a spoiled child. Ya know the ones we all shake our heads at when we see them and say an extra prayer for the parent.
Yeah, those kids. The brats. The whiners. The complainers. The snots. The ones you always wanted to push down the slide at recess ... or knock their lights out ...

I see a lot of grown-ups acting this way. I have even seen it in myself. Ick. Blah. What an awful reminder of how badly we need to be spanked. Spiritually butt kicked.
You don't know how badly I want to just scream sometimes at the complacency of it all. Have we come so far as to continue to allow this nonsense?
Just as a parent would not continue to spoil their child for their own sakes, why do we continue to spoil our society into thinking it's okay to take what you want; it's okay to hurt someone's feelings; it's okay to cheat, lie, steal, budge, or annoy as long as you get what you deserve.
But we all know what every spoiled child needs. .... ...
Be nice. I know what you're thinking and I wasn't going to suggest that.
They need love and a sence of security. They need to know that even though they may not be getting what they want, it doesn't mean they aren't loved or safe.
The trouble is, it doesn't seem to work with spoiled, entitled adults.
In fact, I dare you to try. See what kind of results you get.
I am willing to bet you will get a series of excuses as to why they think they are entitled, no matter what you suggest. And try telling them their excuses are the craddle which Satan rocks them to sleep.

So, what to do ... what to do ...
To be honest, I really don't know. I can tell you what I'd like to do (or say), but it wouldn't be very lady like. Or for that matter very Christian like.
And that brings me to another important point that I left out. These spoiled, rotten, entitled adults I've wittnessed recently are Christians. Yep. All of them.
So, what to do ... what to do ...
Now that's a whole new spin on it isn't it?
Are we not supposed to be lights? Can darkness and light share the same space?

I think the problem is this, plain and simple.
We Christians, myself included at times, truly believe we are entitled.
"It's a Christian school and I'm a teacher here, so I'm allowed to park in the fire lane and wait for my kids. In fact, I'm allowed to leave my car here all day if I so choose. What can they do?"
Or, "There was no one in this express lane and the cashier didn't say anything, so too bad. Besides, I'm in a hurry. You won't mind waiting."
How bout this one, "I'm always late. It's just my nature. You understand."
Those of us who do this think we're "allowed", others think we're arrogant, pompous.
Not a very nice message we're sending.

Listen, people, one hyphenated word you know well ....
GROW-UP! (Hebrews 5:11-6:1)
You're supposed to be mature Christians, not spoiled, bratty, entitled, whiny babies.
Some of you are still suckin on your baba, or your bobo, and pooping in your pants, expecting others around you to clean up and understand. And some are even crawling around with their receiving blankets and thumbs in their mouths.
Listen, just because you are a Christian doesn't entitle you to whatever you think you deserve.
Because quite honestly, you don't deserve anything.
Now, put your bobos away, set your blankets down, get your thumbs out of your mouths and stop, for pete's sake, pooping in your pants.
You are to be mature. Act more like it. Make yourself presentable to those who may not even know you are a Christian. Because if they see what I see, they may not want to hear anything about your God, or your faith, or your church, no matter how great you think it is.
Trust me. I've been on the other end of what I'm saying.
If you see what I see and really see it, you wouldn't listen to you either. I wouldn't listen to me.

People are watching you. God is watching you.
Don't you care about the image you are portraying?
Don't you want to draw people to Him?
Or would you rather people despise you and what you represent?
Or better yet, would you rather have them say you're just like all the rest?

I don't. And I've been just like all the rest.
I don't want to go back.
Please stop being so childish.
Put your big boy or big girl pants on and grow up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brutally honest. It's scary to think about the times I've acted this way when I look back. Nauseating, really! Thank you for owning up to your moments as well. I respect your transparency... it makes me want to read more and listen. I want to link this particular blog to my site. Is it okay?