Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Fabulous Smoothy

I love smoothies. My husband makes the best papaya smoothies. Everytime he takes out the blender and starts putting the ingredients together, it reminds me of my current famliy situation. You see, I am a step mom; although we don't use that terminology in this house, I am. My two children are mine by heart, but not by nature.
The reason the blender reminds me of my situation is because our family is still being blended together. My husband's children, a thirteen and ten year old, love me dearly, but there are still matters of the heart that cause some lumps in our relationship.
Making a smoothy takes time and energy. Time to put the ingredients together, and the energy of the blender to blend everything.
Sometimes, I want to be the blender and make all the ingredients mix up and be done with it so I can take part of the goodness. However, if I am the blender, how then can I be part of the smoothy goodness? Uh-Ha! Everytime my impatience gets the better of me to want a smooth concoction, I leave the mixture to become the blender. Well, let's imagine, for a moment that I am the ice in the blender for this marvolous smoothy. Everybody knows that a smoothy is not a smoothy without the proper amount of ice.
So, knowing that an item cannot be in two places at the same time, or be two objects at the same time, how can I possibly be the blender and be the ice in the blender?
The answer: I can't. It's a physical, mathmatical impossibility.
The same is true for my presious family. If I emotionally, physically, spiritually or psychologically "check-out" of my responsibility as a step-mom, then the family as a whole, will not accomplish what it is intended to be.
It will not be a smoothy.
And in this analogy, it wouldn't be a family.
It's an ongoing process and takes work from all those involved. Everything in the blender and the blender its self. My job is to let the blender do its job and stay in the blender.
So, who then is the blender, you ask? God, of course. So, I need to trust him and be the ice and not grumble or complain about how long it is taking or why.
Not an easy task, trust me. I have a tendancy to think I can do a better job than God.
Can anybody hear me?
God knows what he is doing and whether his speed is fast or slow, he is working. I don't always have to see it to know or experience it. And someday, we all, as a family will be able to taste the marvelous goodness of the finished smoothy. Someday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a difficult thing to be the ingredients vs. the blender much of the time. Thank you for this picture Jessy! Ah, such a nice reminder of the "process" and knowing who we are in that process.