Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dream the Dream

Remember January?
A New Year.
Remember resolutions?
A New Start.

I wonder how it's going?
I didn't make any resolutions this year.
I set goals.

I set a goal for the gym.
Three times a week.
I set a goal for books.
Two a month.
I set a goal for education.
Study every day.
I set a goal with my man.
Date night.
I set a goal with my kids.
Date night.

Can I just say, it's April, the year is nearly half over and I have not kept those goals in sight.
Uuh oh.

Setting goals means I should put them where I can see them.
Make a statement I can read each day to stay focused on them.
Put pictures up to remind me.

The only goal I have kept up with is reading.

So, back to the drawing board.
Back to putting things where I can see them; front and center.
Maybe even clip out a picture of a gorgeous girl in a bikini and paste my face over hers! Ha!

I think our society is so results oriented that we loose focus.
We loose sight of the goal.
We begin to get impatient because we don't see the results as quickly as we would like.

So we become critical and near sighted; we get distracted and lose sight of our goal.

There's a cure.

I remember a rider once told me that they but these blinders on horses during parades and such to keep them focused. They are these black things that are put on either side of the horses eyes; keep them on task; to keep them from getting distracted.

I wonder if we could do the same with our goals.
Put these bllinders on in order to keep us focused; so we are not easily distracted by everything around us.

It's not too late.
Don't buy the lie that it's too late.


Anonymous said...

It was really great to see you today! You're the best!

Jessy said...

So are you, girl, no doubt!