Tuesday, April 22, 2008

King Solomon Part I

So like I'm trying to write this paper on King Solomon as it relates to the stages of human development... and like wow. His life is full of developmental stages.

Songs of Songs. Ya know, I have still yet to read the book and fully understand the mushiness of it all. How in love he was. How incredibly patient.

Proverbs, well that's a book of knowledge in and of itself. It can be quite overwhelming if you sit and read it all at once. I bought the book The Richest Man Who Ever Lived and it has helped me digest the proverbs.

Ecclesiastes. Can I just say it is a bummer of a book. Great wisdom, but rather depressing at times. This is when Solomon has to take a hard look at his life apart of God ... despair. He realizes there is no good without God.

All the women, all the wealth, all the knowledge ... but without God, it is meaningless. Life is meaningless. His life reminds me of some wealthy people. They chase after wealth only to end up in despair ... and wish they were dead. How sad.

Thank God Solomon realized it before it was too late. ... or was it? That I'll have to write more about later.

Have a great Tuesday! TTFN

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