In Greece, a place called Pikermi just outside of Athens on Maraothon Road, we were waiting for the bus. A bus taking us to the port of Rafina. Obviously, I had never been there and was anxious to see where it was we were going.
It was beautiful there. The beach was calm and the sun was setting. The air was cool and calm; things were quite.
Although it was wonderful to be there, I desperately missed my family and friends in O-Town. It is such an incredible experience, but it isn't the same when you are waiting ... waiting to go home.
Don't get me wrong, I had a great time; learned a lot about the culture and about my fellow classmates, however, I longed to be back home.
So patiently awaiting for a bus, a plane, a change.
I know I waited and am still waiting. Not for a bus or a plane this time, but a change.
A change that I have no control over; except for the change of my own self.
Now that I am home, I need an emotional, spiritual, physical and psychological make-over.
I have been waiting for those around me to change; when really, I need to change and accept others for who they are.
Not an easy undertaking. People, if you haven't noticed at times, can be quite fickle and quite frankly, a PITA (pain in the ... ) - particularly family members.
People, including myself, do things based on their own value system; things that are important to them, things that spur them in a particular direction. The direction they take, their attitudes, their downfalls and shortcomings, how they handle themselves ( or not ) depends on their values; or lack there of.
There are some people I have met over the course of my life that value themselves; and you can clearly see it in their behavior, attitude and actions, as well as their character - Their abc's shall we say: Attitude, Behavior and Character.
There are many more people in my life, praise God, that value others. Praise God.
I thank him for putting more of those people in my path than those who value themselves.
It makes me so angry when God doesn't move in the direction I think he should when it comes to values. Especially when my values are being challenged. However, then I become those who value their own values over those who value others.
So, what to do ... what to do ...
Here is what I am setting out to do.
Focus on the value of others. Get a handle on what it is they are communicating with their abc's and find their values. It should be obvious. Once I have established what that person values, I can then better communicate with them ( or maybe not, but it's a start ).
If someone values themselves, well, the choice for me is obvious; don't put a lot of stock into what they are saying. They may be blowing smoke somewhere unmentionalble.
I'm not sure if I'm right or if I am wrong; but somewhere along life's journey for me, I need to value other's values whether I agree with them or not. I need to learn how to demonstrate that in a more compassionate and understanding way ... not to win them over, but rather to understand them as a whole person; whether I like them this way or that way or not.
I can't choose who my family or my family-in-law's are any more than you can; so now is the time to take action and commit to better understanding those around me.
I need to tell myself this: I don't need to like what they are doing or how they make me feel; but I do need to ( big gulp here ) love them for who they are: a person who God loves and is here for a reason, just like me; whether I like that reason or not. Maybe they are my thorn ... zoiks!
And you all know how that story ended ... if not read it in II Corinthians 12:7-10.
All for the sake of keeping me from vain conceit; after all, who gave me what I have today?
Not you, not me, not my family or my man; God.
And so I wait. Not for a plane or a bus, but a change to take place in me; not in others, although that would be nice, however, what would I learn ... exactly.
Keep this in mind as you live and grow
God loves you more than you'll ever know
All your mistakes and troubled past
Are gone like the wind; they won't last
He loves and accepts you for who you are
Whether you are close or from afar
Maybe you say "I don't like what I see"
Then take a good look at the you that is me
Don't soon forget what has happened before
And remember one's window is another one's door
1 comment:
This is great! I sure missed your blogs!
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