Did you know that sheep are pretty dumb animals?
Did you also know that the Bible refers to believers as sheep?
Logic would then tell us that we are pretty dumb.
Therefore, we need a shepherd.
Hence, Christ.
However, did you also know that sheep, being the dumb creatures they are will follow the lead of another dumb sheep ... and not the shepherd? Yup. The other sheep will just follow along having no clue whatsoever of where they are going or what they are doing.
They know one thing: follow that sheep.
The shepherd maybe calling the lead sheep and the lead sheep is not returning.
The other sheep continue to follow.
So what's a shepherd to do?
Go get the trouble making dumb sheep who is leading the others astray, break its leg and carry it over his shoulder until the leg heals.
During that time of healing, the sheep whose leg gets broken learns the shepherd's voice and learns to trust the shepherd. When the sheep's leg is healed, the shepherd releases the sheep.
Guess what the sheep does then?
The sheep stays with the shepherd.
He no longer wonders off for others to follow it.
Now, that's not to say that others won't try and do the same thing, but at least one has learned its lesson.
Jesus says, the sheep know me and they know my voice.
John 10:4, 14, 27
In fact, just read all of John 10, because all is lost without proper context. As Bobb Biehl says, "Nothing is meaningful without context." Nicely put.
Jesus is trying to say that he knows his people. He knows us.
He also knows that there are those among us who will try to convince us of things that are not true; are not of God. Satan, our enemy will use those closest to you to convince you of things; he will use those closest to you to hurt you and pull or push your buttons.
If we are close to Jesus, and if we have all been broken, which we have; logically speaking: all of us like sheep have gone astray - Isaiah 53:6... so ... that being said, if we have all been broken, and we are all like sheep, then we, too know the voice of our shepherd. We learn to trust and obey him; to stay close to him.
So ... then, why is it that we still struggle with believing what we hear from others and leave our shepherd's side?
Here's what I think.
I think it's because we trust those around us to know what they are talking about.
I believe it is in our nature to believe in those closest to us; especially those we trust, those we believe to also be spiritual and religious and Christ-like.
However, there are many Christ followers who are not exactly who they claim to be.
We've all been there.
We've all been those people who say we care, but we really don't.
We've all be hypocritical (and if you say aren't, guess what? You just made yourself one).
We are all human ... and that's the problem.
So, what to do ... what to do?
Well, definately pray.
Be close to your shepherd.
Spend time with him every day and seek him out.
Filter what others say to you through God's word and through your own prayer life.
If it sounds hinky, it probably is.
Plus, if it is in direct contradiction to what you know is true, guess what, don't believe it then.
Sometimes if you just use your common sense ... it should tell you something.
If you believe something to be true because there is no other reason to believe otherwise, until someone or something comes around to convince you otherwise ... maybe you should ask yourself why they are trying to convince you of something different. Maybe they have an agenda.
I know I have gone through this with my family; it's family .. what can you do?
I have also gone through it with some of my good friends from church (who are no longer involved with the same church and are no longer good friends).
And that's a good thing.
It's good because ...
It has taught me who to trust.
It has taught me to be more careful with what I believe.
It has caused me to pause when I hear things and filter it through the word of God and the voice of my shepherd.
It has caused me to be thankful for what has happened in order to teach me what to look out for next time.
It has caused me to reflect more than I ever thought necessary; reflect on the past in light of the present with a hope for the future.
It has caused me to be less judgemental and more open to what God may be teaching me in the moment.
It has also taught me the value of one's character and integrity.
It has also taught me the most valuable lesson of all:
Trust God. Trust God. Trust God.
Did I mention it has taught me to trust God?
There have been countless amount of times that I have wanted to trust the person, the circumstance or my own thoughts.... It is impossible.
Even when what I hear and believe doesn't make any sense: I need to Trust God!
We've all been broken.
Therefore, we should all know the voice of our shepherd.
However, it is our choice as to whether we will listen to him, others or ourselves.
I choose to listen to him; lest I be led astray.
Be bold.
Be great.
Read Barbaric Grace
Thank you for such an encouraging blog. You are a blessing to the staff and to C3 Church. God will bless your devotion and your willingness to be lead by His Holy Spirit into all truth.
What a great post!! I have really enjoyed reading your blog lately. You really have a way with words and helping people visualize what you are saying. Thanks for encouraging us all to look to JESUS for our authority!! Lori
Thank you, as well, for your encouragment.
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