Have you ever isolated something or someone (including yourself) to the point where it becomes a wasteland or the person you see becomes grief stricken or lonely?
I've seen it, I've felt it, I've experienced it. We all have. The point is what we do in order to stay far from ruin or allowing someone or something to become ruined.
That's rather difficult.
Why? Because our enemy would like nothing more than to think separating ourselves from others is a safe place. Keeping our distance from others and things we once enjoyed is okay; it's acceptable; everything will be okay. Going away to be alone, to isolate ourselves from those who care for us, even is our darkest and weakest moments is comfortable. At least these are the things that our enemy tells us ... and we believe it.
It takes effort to actually do the opposite; to create an atmosphere of acceptance, nurture and love, no matter what. If you believe the former stuff about being alone to contemplate what has gone wrong, then explain why (ladies), somewhere deep inside you long for someone to come after you, you desire someone to seek you out, to come and find you. I say Ladies, because I know very few who walk away to be alone who actually want to be alone ... (that's a hint to all you men reading this who have ladies who up and walk out of the room ... um ... go. go. go. At least ask her if she's alright or wants some help... maybe she is just putting laundry away, but she wants to know that you care about what she is doing, just as she shows you she cares).
OK, I'll get off my soap box.
So, why is it that we all seem to feel safer going off by ourselves, when clearly, it is not safer because we then isolate ourselves from those who can bring us comfort, reassurance and prayers? Now, I'm not saying to go off to be alone in prayer. Yes, do that. Yes, go off and be alone to pray; even our Lord did that ... many times. But he didn't stay there. He came back to those he loved and those who loved him. He didn't stay away from them. And when he did, those who loved him, guess what ... they sought him out. At times, it did seem rather like hounding, but Jesus knew their hearts. He knew they needed him and still did not quite understand his need for the Father ... or who he was for that matter.
Isolation with our Heavenly Father is good. He stills our thoughts and quiets our hearts. He brings reassurance and peace. However, staying there for too long leads to destruction; especially if your alone time no longer includes the Father; but rather you and all your self-loathing.
Our enemy would love that more than anything; for you to forsake the Father and your need for him; to find the resolution on your own; to talk to yourself and reassure yourself rather than talk to the Father and wait for his reassurance.
Surround yourself with prayer warriors; people who will pray for your needs continually; people who will pray for your protection and spiritual survival. Our battle is not between flesh, although at times it feels that way (I know I've wanted to throw a few punches now and again). Our battle is between good and evil; sin and death; light and darkness; things of this world that cannot be seen. Remember that our enemy can use other people for his weapons of destruction; that includes your spouses, children, friends and family. Pray for protection; guidance, wisdom and discernment.
Allow those around you to pray for you. I know it may cause you to be vulnerable and weak; but Christ's strength will trump any weakness. Trust God above all things; don't try to understand things on your own; for there are many things happening around you that are beyond logic and reason; trust that God knows what he is doing and he doesn't need your help. If he was strong enough to conquer death, he is strong enough to conquer your problems.
I know how difficult it may be to trust, because people hurt and people are disloyal and sometimes untrustworthy; but our Father is loyal, trustworthy and competant. He will not abandon you in your time of need and he will send help; pray for wisdom and discernment in knowing what they help "looks like".
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