What are you planning for Christmas this year?
Have you made promises to your family you can't make?
Have you offered them things you know you can't attain?
Feeling guilty? Feeling ashamed, embarrassed?
Believe it or not, not one single thing you put under that tree will replace you.
You children need you more than they need the latest advances in technology; and gettin down to the nitty gritty; you're only buying it to get close to them anyway.
Has it worked yet? All the things you have bought them; all the things they have asked for? You buy it to please them, to offer part of yourself to them, and yet where are they now?
Are they any closer to you now? Have all those gifts brought them nearer to you?
The answer is no, and you an I both know it.
What your children need is not presents but rather presence.
Your presence is by far more important than any gift you purchase for them based on simple want and desire, rather than need.
They don't need any of the things on the list; they want it.
What they need is you.
More of you.
All the things they have from you are just ways to replace you; it's safer that way, maybe even more reliable. When they turn to their multiple games (Xbox, playstations, Wii, etc), they know what to expect. When they turn to their multitude of friends they know what to expect.
But what about you?
When they turn to you, do they know what to expect?
Or are you an ever changing and unavailable person; proving yourself untrustworthy. In other words, "why should you be any different than anyone else whose abandoned me?"
Choose to offer them presence. Your presence; your time, not your money and your presents.
A simple conversation, cleaning their room together, help them with homework, sit with them, sit next to them, give them a hug, high five, the list goes on.
It isn't easy. Trust me, I know.
When you want so much for what you give them to be reciprocated, and it isn't.
It hurts, and sometimes it seems easier to just give them what they ask for so that at least it feels like you are being loved and appreciated for the time being; plus it's safer for you as well.
Guess what? Your kids feel the same. They avoid you, say things and do things that sting like a bee. It hurts like hell inside.
Don't give up. Just as you are holding on by a thread most days, trust me, so are your kids.
They need you.
They need to know you will be there.
They need to know that no matter what they say or do, you aren't leaving and you aren't sending them away.
You can show this to them by just spending time with them.
Presence not presents is what matters this Christmas.
Know that I Love you!
Hang in there; you are not alone in this journey.
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