Friday, May 2, 2008

Get De-bugged ... or An Enema ... Something!

Some people need to get the bugs out of their - - - !

Either that or get an enema! A huge one ... or a colin cleanse ....

It astonishes me, in the Christian community how incredibly anal, uptight and witchy some people are. Women in particular. No wonder I have more male friends!
I mean, chillax, take it easy ... you're gonna pass out if you don't do something!
See a shrink! I know of a few good ones.

It's like this, you don't hear what they say. You ask them to repeat it and they give you a piss off look. Heellllloooooo?!

Or, or ... you are having a conversation with someone and they invite themselves in on it and then get miffed when you change the subject and don't tell them what you were talking about ... It's like this ... It's an A-B conversation, kindly C yourself out of it.
What ever happened to MANNERS!

If something is private, it's private ... I nor the person speaking with me have to share the details with you. Cry a river. Build a bridge... and get over it!

Act your age ... not your shoe size, which for most of you it's like a 7, 9 maybe even a 5 or 6!
Grow up! And some of you ladies, are leaders! You should know better than to be so stinkin' rude. Especially to the people you call F-r-i-e-n-d!

Which reminds me, again, I don't have to be your friend. I will be nice and friendly and cordial to you, but I don't have to be your friend. You have the same luxury; it's called free will!
Make some of your own!
And even if you don't call me friend, fine. But, be nice. Just because you don't want to be my friend doesn't mean you suddenly gain the right to be disrepectful.

I know, I'm venting.
You're probably like, ... wHoA, Jess, calm down. It's ok.
But ya know what, it's not!
I'm sick of up-itty people who think they are entitled to involve themselves in something that is none of their bees-wax! And then, and then, get mad at me for it.
Dude, I don't owe you an apology.
I, personally feel guilty for getting involved with other people's conversations, whether they invite me in or not. I tend to leave the conversation thinking, I should have just minded my own; and then I do just that.
Have you ever heard the phrase "Mindya!" It's short for "mind ya own business".

Or, or, they don't give room for anyone else to make mistakes, misunderstand, or be misunderstood; BUT, now get this - when they are misunderstood, not clear, make a mistake or something and you call them on it; Oh, my .... watch out... who let the dogs out, yo! Or should I say, who pulled the cat's tail!
The daggers in their eyes.
Man, I'd be dead like TEN times over already!

Then, you get an apology.
And they say their working on it ... to please continue to pray for them (gotta love that part), and continue calling them on it!
Uh, let me think about that last one ... uh .. uh .. no thanks, once bitten, twice shy babe! Sorry. Been there done that!
That's why I have what's called boundaries!

I'm like, gonna still pray for you and all, but please ..
For the love of all things good and great take the bug out-cher butt!!

And I'm not saying that I'm perfect or that others may think the same of me at times, but I have seen these individual constantly behave in this manner. Which is something I am getting pretty tired of witnessing.

And btw, when you are called on something; do the right thing.
Take responsibility for it, apologize and then FIX IT!
Don't just give lip service to the one you just verbally assulted, killed with your glance or shot down with your "under your breath smack talk".

I'm sure I'm not the only one getting annoyed by it.
And I can tell you this - You are choosing your friends by your actions whether you like it or not.

And another thing! I'm no here on this planet to win a popularity contest.
I am here to serve others. That includes you, by the by!
I'm still serving you even though you can be real tight wad, up-itty person.

Do some de-bugging, ok.
That's all.

Thanks for letting me vent.
I do love you. I care deeply for you.
But just at a safe distance for now.
A real safe distance.
For now. It's up to you.

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